KN4YB DL-151RA Bug

I am still very new to bugs. This is my first one ever. I set it up by myself after watching a 5 minute video from Tom KN4YB. I am sure that with practice and experience I can tune the bug even more, but for a beginner, I was able to get the speeds from 13 to 30 wpm without much issue. 

Because I can change speeds fairly quickly, it lends itself to activities like SKCC where there is a wide range of operator experience. I try to match the speed of the other party as best I can.

Here is a short video showing how I set up the bug for different speeds. This is by no means the only way to do it nor even the right way. However, It could be considered a good baseline for others like me just getting started. 73 — Scott

2 thoughts on “KN4YB DL-151RA Bug”

  1. Good idea, Scott. I also use an ekeyer to time the dits on a Bug.

    One handy slower speed fix is to put a carpenter’s stair gauge (brass, not aluminum) on the pendulum next to the regular weight. It’s close to instant changing and no sliding of weights. Stair gauges are inexpensive and most any hardware or big box (Home Depot/Lowe’s) will have them.


    Walter, K5EST ⚓ ZUT … CW Forever!


    1. Thanks for the idea. I’m still working my way around the bug. Going to go live tomorrow and see if I can make some POTA contacts. I think I can run it around 20 wpm. We’ll see.
      73 Scott KK4Z


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